Dejeres Archipelago

Atanes is the home island of our human heroine. It was the first island visited by the Imperials, and is known as the Gateway of the Dejeres Archipelago. Yet its seedier port towns, like San Nicolas, are a backdoor into a maritime underworld of theft, corruption, piracy and exploitation. Its name roughly means ‘sun island’ as it lies in the east of the Archipelago.

Amohanes is the home of the Dejeran capital, San Eduardo. It has the highest population of colonists, including the wealthiest and most aristocratic inhabitants of the archipelago. Many of the colonists enjoy positions of power, whether in government or law enforcement. Its name means ‘bountiful island’ thanks to its farmland and mines of magic crystals. 

Alalanes is one of the few islands in the eastern Archipelago that hasn’t been colonised by Imperials. Mostly due to its isolated location and lack of mountains, making it hard to find and mine veins of magical crystals. This does not stop it or its native inhabitants from being the frequent targets of pirate raids. Its name means ‘distant island’, named after its isolation. 

Cemotifi is the home island of our draconic heroine. There is an abundance of crystals from the volcano, and elements from the volcanic rock are washed into the ocean to fertilise phytoplankton, making the waters around it rich in aquatic life. This makes it the ideal habitat for the fish eating Fire Agates. Its name, given by nearby natives, roughly means ‘mount of fire’.  

Dubines is… TO BE REVEALED

Entedines is… TO BE REVEALED 

Limuanes is the nearest island to Amohanes, and is very similar in many ways. However, it lacks the mountains where crystals are often found, making it less wealthy than its capital neighbour. Limuanes was the island that natives landed on when they sailed from the eastern side of the archipelago, hence its name, which roughly translates as ‘new/first island’. 

Madines is the most ‘popular’ haunt of pirates in the eastern Dejeres. It lies on the outskirts of the archipelago, away from the main shipping lanes of Imperial merchants and patrols of the navy. Although a few merchants still visit; they don’t seem to find its poor reputation too off-putting. Its name means ‘red island’, named after its reddish barked copperwood trees. 

Ocaranes is… TO BE REVEALED